Wonderful Life in Toronto (3) - Level Test
How Television Affects children
People often disscuss whether it matters for children to watch television and play video games. Of course, watching tv and playing games are not always bad. In modern society, there are many programs which can help children study. For example, children can learn the language through the education channels because there are various tv channels for children.
Many children feel close to tv more than their teachers.
However, I don't agree that kid under age 5 should not be allowed to tv more than two hours. We can not deny that fast images, including tv and video games make kids limit in their creativity.
I know a study on the influence of a television to children. The researchers divided elementary school students into two groups. One group read a book and another group whatched video, but the contents of two different are the same story ; a famous story, "The old man and the sea" After each group read the book and watch the video, the researchers asked them to draw a picture about one scene.
Some students who read the book drew various composition of the picture. They disposed the old man in front of the sailing boat and weared various clothes, and there are coloful waves. However, the others who watched the video drew exactly the same picture. They copied the scene which they watched on tv. They seemed to simply recall the scene that they wahched. Therefore, we can notice watching tv makes children reduce the chance to think by themselves.
Forthemore, the negative infulence of tv and video games is addictive for children, especially it is difficult for children to control themselves. Hence, it is easy for them to wacth Tv too much. They tend not to do any physical activity,
and they like watching tv more than playing with friends out side. Some kid can't even distinguish between the reality and the miagination in the game. Sometimes, they imitate the behavior of their favorit video game or show. It is a serious problem.
To sum up, I insist that watching tv too much is not good for children, even though the program is educatoinal.
They tend to depend on tv instead of themselves. We can help them control their behavio as adults by spending the time reding books to them. When they realize the playing with friends and reading books are far better than watching tv, they will not depend on tv too much.
Writing 테스트 때 작성한 "Negative infulence of watchcing tv" 전문
Haesoo Lee
사진은 레벨테스트 받고 집에 돌아오는 길 공원에서. 필리핀에서 열심히하고 한국에서 쉬지 않은 결실이 여기서 나타났는지 나 advance level (107) 받았다. 히히. 그리고 지금은? 나 학원에서 필리핀 영어 전도사다! 필리핀 teacher Maria 가 토론토에서 영어 못하면 절대 필리핀에서 영어배웠다 말하지 말구, 잘하면 나 영어 필리핀에서 배웠다고. 내 선생님 Maria 라고 말하랬는데. 나 우리 선생님이 Maria 라고 자신있게 얘기할 수 있다! 씨익.
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